
Plenaries & parallel sessions

All plenaries, parallel talks, and poster sessions at WCCFL 42 will take place in and around Dwinelle Hall, which houses the Department of Linguistics. We recommend using the Dwinelle Navigator app for help getting from point to point in the building. 

Plenaries will be held in 370, located on G level. They will also be live-streamed in 3335, the overflow room. 

Parallel session A's will be held in 370, located on G level. Parallel session B's will be held in 3335 on C level. 

Poster sessions

Poster sessions will be in Ishi Court, accessible from B level in Dwinelle.

Registration & coffee breaks

You can find the registration desk in 371, located on G level. We will have conference volunteers stationed there all day on Friday and Saturday to assist you with registration.

There are also multiple 30-min coffee breaks throughout the conference, during which you can treat yourself to some warm coffee and pastries from the Cafenated Coffee Company in 371.

Conference dinner

Conference dinner will be hosted at the Berkeley City Club, located at 2315 Durant Avenue. It is a beautiful historic landmark with amazing food! You can read about the history here.